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注意 進入及使用本網站及任何利潔時公司(以下稱為「利潔時」)之網站(以下稱為「網站」)必須遵照以下條款及細則,以及所有適用之有關法律。當閣下瀏覽本網站,代表你同意本條款;如果閣下不同意本條款,請不要瀏覽本網站。網站可能包括附加條款及細則,該附加條款及細則亦將適用於該網站之使用。如此網站所載的條款及細則與我們任何網站之附加條款及細則出現衝突,則一切以本條款及細則為先。同時,利潔時公司在任何情況下,保留修改及刪減任何條款及細則的權利,且並不需要對此作出通知。由於網站的條款及細則對閣下具有約束力,請閣下定期查閱網站內最新版本之條款及細則,以及一切的附加條款及其細則。閣下可以瀏覽本網站作個人娛樂及閱覽資訊用途,亦可以列印及下載本網站之任何材料到電腦,唯一切材料只可作教育、私人用途及於本地使用。不過,閣下不能在未得到利潔時之書面同意下,對本網站之內容作出散佈、修改及傳送的行為。閣下在未得到利潔時預先書面許可前,不能從第三方網站鏈接到本網站。除非另有說明,利潔時及其相關之許可機構全權擁有本網站所有材料(包括並不限於相片及圖像)的版權及其知識產權;其擁有權及知識產權不可透過使用及進入本網站對第三者作出轉移。相反,其版權、擁有權,以及網站在任何情況下的得益均全屬利潔時及其相關機構之財產。利潔時網站受版權法及其他相關適用之法律下保護,如閣下違反此法律聲明,你將自動不被允許使用本網站。利潔時保留一切最終的解釋權利。如閣下希望與利潔時商討法律事項,請聯絡閣下所屬地區的利潔時公司。我們總公司的網站reckittbenckiser.com 內列明了不同地區分公司之資料。利潔時明文聲明,本公司不會保證網站內容,及其他第三方能夠鏈結到利潔時網站的鏈結之準確性及完整性。利潔時隨時可以對網站內容作出修改而不作任何通知。利潔時沒有義務保證及更新網站之內容,因此內容不一定為最新之版本。在法律的最大允許下,利潔時會在對內容不保證的基礎上,盡力完善及提供網站的內容。唯此法律聲明對本網站仍具法律效力。 本網站是為提供健康產品或持牌藥物的資訊而設計,並不會提供藥物的使用建議及用法。設計內容僅為一般性的資訊,任何人或有特定用途之人士不應依賴此網站。閣下如對產品及藥物有個人疑問及需要,應諮詢你所屬的醫生及藥劑師以尋求協助。利潔時(包括其相關公司的任何職員、經理、僱員、股東、利潔時的代理公司及其相關機構)不會承擔以下任何由直接、非直接、意外性、衍生性及罰懲性所產生的損失及責任而作出賠償:(A) 允許(或不允許)進入此網站;(B)使用(或不能使用)本網站的內容;及(C)任何由第三方網站的內容鏈接到本網站的連結。此外,利潔時不會保證本網站及其伺服器不存在病毒及其他對閣下電腦有害的成份;如閣下的電腦有任何損害,你(而非利潔時)須承擔所有必要之電腦維修服務,或修改程式等所產生的費用,而相關的法律訴訟應僅限於金錢上的損失,而不是要求法庭向本公司發出禁制令。閣下經互聯網刊登及傳輸任何材料到本網站,代表閣下已將該材料授權予利潔時,而該材料將會被視為非機密及非專有性。閣下於本網站發表的任何言論及材料,代表你已允許利潔時及其相關之機構以任何目的使用該言論或/及該材料,包括更新複製、傳送、發佈、廣播及刊登。利潔時沒有義務回應張貼於本網站內的訊息,或需要對任何言論及材料作出任何賠償,懇請閣下注意該內容是否合乎當地法律,視為於網頁內合法公開之內容;而且閣下絕對不能發表與法律相抵觸的內容,包括某些具有威脅性、中傷成份、誹謗、淫穢、色情、不雅及褻瀆性的內容,以及發表一些鼓勵及可能構成刑事罪行及違反任何相關法律的任何材料。利潔時無法及無責任審查張貼在網站內的言論及材料。可是,利潔時仍然保留網站內的言論及材料的專有權,並可以任何原因刪除被視為不接受的言論及材料。利潔時公司、其所屬的區域公司及其相關之機構只會於正在申請,或其商標、許可證早已註冊的地區使用本網站出現之名稱、標誌及商標。為避免產生疑問,利潔時不會在未經受權的地區使用任何名稱、標誌及商標;同時亦不會在這些地區供應及提供附有名稱、標誌及商標的產品或/及服務。利潔時嚴禁使用或濫用這些商標,以及本網站的其他內容,除非在網站內另有條款及細則規定。你在此網站的使用將由香港法律規管,任何法律要求及行動必須於十二個月內提出。
個人聲明一般利潔時有限公司及其相關的公司(「利潔時」)尊重任何到訪本網站、互動廣告及其他通訊的訪客之個人私隱。此個人聲明將會講述利潔時所收集的資訊及利潔時將如何運用該資訊。如閣下並不希望利潔時收集及分享你的個人資訊,此聲明亦會指導你如何避免在探訪利潔時網站、廣告及其他通訊時被我們收集你的個人資訊。我們可能會修改此個人聲明,因此你應該定期到訪本頁,確保你已閱讀並同意我們最新之個人聲明的版本。個人身份資料除非閣下願意把你的個人身份資料提供予我們,否則利潔時不會在未經閣下同意下收集你任何的個人身份資料(即閣下之名字、地址、電話號碼,及電郵地址)。當閣下向我們提供個人身份資料時,你可以根據你的意願,選擇接收我們日後的通訊、電郵或其他資訊。當然,你亦可以選擇不接收這些資訊。如果閣下不希望你的個人身份資料被收集,請不要向我們提交這些資料。如果閣下早已把這些資料提交,而希望我們能夠把它從紀錄中刪除,你可以到訪我們品牌網站的「聯絡我們」部份。在網站內所收集的個人資料﹐可能會在利潔時公司或其相關許可之機構在維持設備時儲存及處理;而這些資料亦有可能傳送到你所屬的地區外,因此,閣下使用本網站時,你將同意這些資料被傳送到你所屬的地區外。利潔時將會確保這些傳送至境外的資料受適用的法律下保護。閣下提供的個人資料除了讓我們為你提供你所需要的服務及資訊外,亦有可能幫助我們得悉你對我們網站及產品的使用。我們亦有可能結合你向我們於不同途徑中所提供的資料,包括你向其他機構提供的資料(同意容許共享的資料)及公開資料。這些資料將會幫助我們設計更出色的產品、網頁及廣告。為了做到更出色,我們亦可能將你的資料提供予我們工作的相關機構;這些機構亦必須同意把閣下的資料只作我們所要求的用途,及把資料作保護處理。如果我們以非上文所載的理由向其他公司提供閣下的資料,除非我們早已得到你的同意,否則我們會首先聯絡你,並得到你的同意,而你亦可以要求我們從資料庫中刪除有關你的資料。我們將會在法律容許下的一段合理時限內把你的資料保留。兒童利潔時目前無意收集十三歲以下之人士的個人身份資料(即其姓名、地址、電話號碼,及電郵地址)。在適當的時候,利潔時會特別規管兒童不要提供他的個人資料。如果兒童向我們提供了他的個人身份資料,而其父母或監護人希望這些個人資料能夠從我們的數據庫中刪除,請到訪本品牌網站的「聯絡我們」一頁聯絡我們。自動收集非個人身份資料在某些情況下,我們可能收集閣下一些非個人身份的資料。這一類資料包括你正在使用的瀏覽器、電腦操作系統及閣下鏈接到我們網站或廣告的域名。我們收集這些數據的目的是為更了解客戶的興趣,以幫助我們在商業上的進步及網站上的完善。自動存放在閣下電腦硬盤內的資料當你瀏覽我們的任何網站及廣告時,我們可能存放了一些資料在你的電腦內,這些資料可能是一些小型文字檔案(“cookie”)或其他類似的檔案。這些檔案可讓我們為閣下提供你的喜好及更適合你的網頁及廣告。大多數瀏覽器可以讓你選擇清除電腦硬盤內的這些檔案、阻止寫入這些檔案,或在存儲這些檔案作出提示,請參考閣下瀏覽器的指引或了解更多有關的資訊。請注意如果你清除及阻止寫入這些檔案,可能會影響你在我們網站內的使用。聯絡人如果閣下透過利潔時網站、互動廣告及其他通訊內容提交了個人身份的資料,而你又希望這些資料能從我們的數據庫中刪除,請到訪我們品牌網站內的「聯絡我們」部份。 2013利潔時有限公司保留所有權利。
What are cookies and how do we use them?
How long do cookies last?
What types of cookies are used on this site?
What about third party cookies?
How to control and delete cookies
Changes to our use of cookies
Contact information
What are cookies and how do we use them?
Like most websites you visit, our website (“site”) uses cookies and other similar technologies to distinguish you from other users of our site and to store and manage user preferences, deliver targeted advertising, enable content, and gather analytic and user data, for example. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our site and also allows us to improve our site.
Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website or embedded in a web page. Cookies may then be sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognises that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognise a user’s device and to remember your actions and preferences (such as login details, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time.
Where possible, security measures are set in place to prevent unauthorised access to our cookies and similar technologies. A unique identifier ensures that only we and/or our authorised service providers have access to cookie data.
We rely on your consent to use certain types of cookies (except “strictly necessary cookies”, as described below). You can refuse cookies at any time by changing your settings while entering a website, referring to the Consent Portal or changing the cookie settings in your browser.
You can find more information about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set on your device and how to manage and delete them, at www.aboutcookies.org and www.youronlinechoices.eu.
Web beacons
Web beacons (also known as internet tags, pixel tags and clear GIFs) are typically transparent graphic images placed on a site or email. Web beacons are used in combination with cookies to measure the actions of visitors on websites. We may use beacons to obtain information such as the IP address of the computer that downloaded the page on which the beacon appears, the URL of the page on which the beacon appears, the time the page containing the beacon was viewed, and the type of browser used to view the page.
IP addresses and URLs
An IP address is a unique identifier that certain electronic devices use to identify and communicate with each other on the internet. When you visit our sites, we may view that IP address of the device that you use to connect to the internet using a web beacon. We use this information to determine the general physical location of the device and understand from what geographic regions our site visitors come. We may use this information to change the way we present our sites to you to enhance your visit.
A URL (uniform resource locator) is a unique identifier or address for each resource on the internet, in effect it is the address for the web page that you are visiting. We will use this information to see which sites and pages are visited and the way that you navigate through our site.
How long do cookies last?
We use cookies and similar technologies that only remain on your device for as long as you keep your browser active (session) and cookies and similar technologies that remain on your device for a longer period (persistent). You are free to block, delete, or disable these technologies if your device allows this. You can manage your cookies and your cookie preferences in your browser or device settings.
What types of cookies are used on this site?
We use different types of cookies on our sites. Although they mainly work in the same way there are some differences:
Type of cookie
Brief Description
How long will the cookie remain on your computer?
Strictly necessary cookies
These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services.
Session and Persistent
Analytical/performance cookies
They allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily. These cookies may be provided by our third party analytic provider but are only used for purposes related to our sites.
Session and Persistent
Functionality cookies
These are used to recognise you and choices you make when you return to our website. This enables us to enhance and personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). In addition, cookies may allow some website embedded functionalities (for example, displaying YouTube videos) to work properly.
Session and Persistent
Social Media/Sharing cookies
Our website may include some social media features, such as the Facebook “Like” button, the Twitter “Tweet” button, the LinkedIn “Share” button and so on. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our website, and may set a cookie or employ similar technologies to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features are either hosted by a third party or directly on our website. We have no control over how the social networks may collect and use your personal information and their use is subject to the social network’s own privacy policy.
Session and Persistent
Targeting/Re-targeting cookies
These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our websites and the advertising displayed on them more relevant to your interests. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.
Session and Persistent
You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them in the Consent Portal. What about third party cookies?
Please note that third parties (including, for example, advertising networks and providers of external services like web traffic analysis services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies are likely to be analytical/performance cookies or targeting cookies.
How to control and delete cookies
When you first use our website, you will see a “pop up” cookies notice.
By using this website after accepting the cookies notice, or by browsing our website after you have been presented with this notice, you agree to us placing cookies on your device in accordance with the terms of this Cookies Policy.
The majority of web browsers accept cookies, but you can usually change the web browser’s settings to refuse new cookies, disable existing ones or simply let you know when new ones are sent to your device. If you do not consent to our use of any of the cookies listed above, please disable them following the below instructions so that cookies from this website cannot be placed on your device.
In order to do this, follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” facility). Alternatively, you can visit http://www.attacat.co.uk/resources/cookies/how-to-ban for more information on how to manage cookies. However, please be aware that, if you refuse or disable cookies, some of the website’s functionality may be lost.
In addition, disabling a cookie or category of cookie does not delete the cookie from your device; you will need to do this yourself from within your browser.
Changes to our use of cookies
Any changes to our use of cookies for this website will be posted here or on the Consent Portal and, if necessary, signposted from our web pages highlighting any changes.
Contact Information
If you have any queries in relation to this notice or our use of cookies, please contact us at: PrivacyOffice@rb.com
You may also write to us at:
RB Global Privacy Office
Turner House
103-105 Bath Road
You can find out more information about how we process personal data in our Privacy Notice [INCLUDE LINK TO PRIVACY NOTICE].