
Adding romance to your relationship 




Romancing a lover tends to come naturally in the early days but as time goes on, it's easy to take each other for granted. When romance fades, sex often follows suit – but if you make an effort to seduce your lover no matter how long you've been together, you're much more likely to keep the passion alive. 


Do something every day to make your partner feel special. 


製造約會之夜:為你倆製造單獨相處的時刻,並兩人輪流選擇約會的日期,為你倆的關係保持新鮮。你倆可以選擇一個固定的約會日子,例如,每個週二的晚上── 你倆的關係有時需要排行在生活中最優先,因此請盡量實行這一晚的約會。另外,每月固定且能夠成事的約會,比每週不能做到的約定更有效果,所以不必拘泥於約會之間相距的時間。 

Set a date night: Set aside time purely for the two of you, and take it in turns to choose the date, to help keep things fresh. Pick a regular date night – say, every Tuesday – and make it cast in stone. Your relationship needs to take priority in life sometimes. Better to have a monthly date night you always stick to than a weekly one that you don't. 


聆聽: 早期的約會為了發現彼此的共同興趣,及顯示對彼此的激情,我們傾向包含很多話語。但隨著時日,我們很容易對伴侶失去了耐心,關上耳朵,慢慢忘記當初愛上對方的原因。每一天為你的愛侶騰空一點時間,並顯示你愛的關懷,關注對方的說話;人會隨時間改變和成長,但當你倆都用心聆聽對方,你們就能共同成長,關係更為親密。 

Listen: Early dates tend to involve lots of conversation, discovering shared interests and passions. As time goes on, it's easy to switch off to a partner and forget why you fell for them in the first place. Make time to catch up with each other every day, and show your lover respect by paying attention to what they say. People change and grow over time, and it's only by truly listening to each other that you'll grow together. 



Spend time apart: This is particularly important if you live together. If you only see friends together or spend time with each other, you're a lot more likely to get bored because it's easier to believe you know everything your partner has to say. Balance your social life to include time apart with friends – and time alone – and it's more likely you'll find your partner exciting ten years in. 


每一天製造小浪漫:有些人會把 浪漫放在情人節、生日及周年紀念 上,但這只會令你太過著重這些日 子的「完美」而增加了龐大的壓力。事實上,你可以在每一天為你的愛 侶製造一點小心思,無論是放在睡 枕上的一些愛的字句、一盤愛侶喜 愛的佳餚,或是給予一個小小的稱 讚,每一天小小的浪漫都能累積成 滿滿的愛。 

Make every day romantic: Some people save romance for Valentine's Day, birthdays and anniversaries but this puts too much pressure on those days to be 'perfect'. Instead, do something every day to make your partner feel special. Whether it's leaving a love note on the pillow when you go to work, cooking your partner's favourite meal or simply paying a genuine compliment, a little bit of romance every day will lead to a whole lot of love. 


尊重體諒: 浪漫不是只有玫瑰花與巧克力。有時候,最浪漫的行為就是真心讓你的愛侶自由 ── 當然,這需要是雙方面的。 

Compromise: Romance isn't all about roses and chocolates. Sometimes, simply letting your partner get their own way without any resentment is the most romantic option of all – as long as it goes both ways over time, of course.