
Know Your Body, Love Your Body 





The better you know your body, the more pleasure it can give you. But while most men get intimately acquainted with themselves at an early age, a more academic study of the area can also prove useful. Get to know your penis and you'll be far more equipped to handle it.  



The Shaft 



This is the main part of the penis, and swells when a guy gets turned on. Men may worry it's too short, thin or otherwise lacking but generally speaking, men are far more hung up on penis size than women are, and there are advantages to having a penis of any size. 


如果它彎曲的話,您應該去找醫生檢查以確保陰莖彎曲並非由疾病所引起 (或是粗暴性愛中受傷,雖然如果真的發生的話你很可能可以察覺到) 。但是,很多男士的陰莖都會有輕微的自然彎曲,而這是無需擔心的,而且更可以加以利用來接觸G點。 

If it's curved, do visit a doctor to check there's nothing wrong as curvature can be caused by certain disorders (or damaged during rough sex but you're highly likely to notice if that happens). However, many men have a slight natural curve to the penis which is nothing to worry about – and can even make it easier to hit the G-spot. 



The Glans 



Often referred to as the head of the penis, this is generally the most sensitive part. The coronal ridge (around the bottom of the glans) and frenulum ('string' that runs from the glans to the shaft) are often particularly sensitive and, as such, are great to focus on to give maximum pleasure, and best avoided if premature ejaculation is an issue. 


興奮的時候龜頭會膨脹、充血並變深色。部份男士有較大的龜頭 (有時稱為磨菇頭) 。這會使得佩戴某些衛生套時感到不舒適,但為了解決這問題,杜蕾斯創造出適合不同陰莖形狀的衛生套。 

The glans swells and darkens during arousal, as it fills with blood. Some men have a full glans (sometimes referred to as a mushroom head). This can make some condoms uncomfortable, but Durex has created condoms tailored to suit men's natural shape to get around this problem. 



The Urethral Meatus 



This is the tube through which ejaculate shoots during orgasm. While some men get pleasure having it stimulated, others find it far too intense, so handle with care. Sliding anything down the urethral meatus is not advised as it can get stuck, and you don't want to end up in hospital. 



The Foreskin 


部份男士出於宗教或健康理由割掉包皮 (例如包皮太緊 但並沒證據顯示割包皮會令人更健康)。包皮幫助保護龜頭並幫助陰莖自我潤滑。所以,割掉包皮的話自慰時就可能需要很多潤滑油了。 

Some men have their foreskin removed for religious or health reasons (for example, if it's too tight – there is little evidence to suggest removing the foreskin is healthier on a general basis).  The foreskin helps protect the glans and also helps the penis self-lubricate. As such, if a guy's had his removed, you'll probably need to use a lot more lube during manual play. 


Get to know your penis and you'll be far more equipped to handle it.